Some Of Our Events

We are so lucky to be surrounded by talented individuals which have the planning, connections, and execution experience to put on great events and services. Here are some of the events we have sponsored or contributed to in the past years:

  • The One Fund
  • 15th District Masonic Golf Outing (benefited 3 children's charities).
  • The Rodman Ride For Kids.
  • HCS Butterfly Park Dedication (for hospice patients)
  • Meaghan C Herrity Charitable Foundation (helps children with cancer).
Our Employees

Our employees have a vested interested in many causes. In order to facilitate this, we offer at least one paid day per year, and other incentives, for them to involve themselves in charitible causes and events. Many of our employees are directly involved in the planning of events, and are encouraged to donate more of their time as workers, planners, and board members.

Our Consultants

While most of our consultants don't have a lot of spare time, many still see fit to donate money to causes. We offer a co-contribution plan to help their charities, and incentivize them to be more active.
